zomg Parker is two years old already!
Parker officially turned two on Saturday the 16th! We spent the day getting ready for a small party on Sunday, and we picked up some sweet window decals for Parker to play with. Here he is putting his Dora and Diego stickers up, and he also has a set up Spider-Man decals that he has on another window.

Here are Parker and Mommy opening a present! I'm pretty sure he's smiling at the Elmo and Ernie stickers on a card that Nana and Papa got him.

And here he is smiling once he realized that his cake had Thomas the Tank Engine on it. April said, "Who's that?" and Parker replied, "Cake!" but after a second he realized who it was and was super happy.

Happy Birthday Parker :)
Happy Birthday Parker!!! We had so much fun celebrating your birthday with you!!! I love you!!!
Your birthday party was so much fun, Parker! I hope you're enjoying all your presents birthday boy! Love you!
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