Last night we went to a free concert at Willie Spratt Sports Field here in Amherstview featuring Splash 'N Boots! I went to school with them and actually played drums in a show they were singing in, so it was cool to see them doing what they love and being successful! And they put on a GREAT show! I think my favourite part was when they made animal sounds in a song about animals, but they asked kids in the crowd to name their favourites. One little girl stepped up to the mic, took a big sigh and said, "A unicorn." Nick's unicorn sound involved him making a horn on his head with his finger and going, "Naaaaay.................I'm special!" Good times. :D
Pre-show meal.

Definitely a great live show! Hopefully they come back because Parker really seemed to like their stuff. He was sitting in our laps tapping his foot, and afterwards asked to say hi to the lady (that's what he calls all girls, it seems) and the man (what he calls all guys, it seems). And the concert also featured a special guest appearance by Gabriel, Kristyne, and Jeff! Thanks for stopping in on your way back through town! :D
1 comment:
Your last two sentences had me laughing out loud. "Guest appearance...." Thanks for letting us know about the show. We're happy we were able to make it!!
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