Last week April and I went to New York for a nice vacation so Parker got to stay home and spend time with Abuelita! Unfortunately I don't think any photo evidence exists, but I think there are some puke-soiled shirts as proof. Parker was telling me earlier he had a really fun time and hopes to have more visits soon! He also got to spend the day with Aunt Claire and Uncle Shawn on Saturday while April and I went to a friend's wedding! It's been a busy week for traveling and staying with new people for Parker, but we think it's really good for him to get used to others and have different experiences. He seems to really like people and tends to be in a pretty good mood most of the time, so hopefully he's an easy baby to look after! It's also good practice for Claire and Shawn, since they're expecting a baby next spring!
Edited to add photos! Claire and Shawn took a few while babysitting!

Sometimes you just have to fall asleep on your uncle's chest in front of the TV.
Parker didn't eat any Cheetohs, but he was pretty interested in the crinkly noise that the bag made. Claire and Shawn have a pretty funny video of him playing around with it and reaching for it and stuff.
Sweatpants and no shirt! Ha!
We had so much fun with him - we already miss him!
I'll send you more pictures soon!
Give a big kiss to Parker for me!
You'll have to hook us up with those videos!
Everytime I try and send the doesn't go you know a way to send them?
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