2. After you have a baby, a small rift opens in the space/time continuum, causing you to be late to every appointment you try to keep. For some reason, if you say you'll be somewhere at 10 o'clock, you don't get there until 10:30. We now operate on baby time.
3. People are super nice to you when you have a baby (this also applies to being pregnant). The other day I was at the bank with Parker, and an older woman was walking by and Parker went, "Yeeeeeee!" and smiled at her. She stopped in her tracks and went, "Oh, hello there!" with a big smile and it looked like it made her day. People love babies. Especially cute, happy ones.
4. The simplest things are the most entertaining. He doesn't really care for TV or fancy stuff; he's more interested in licking our faces, or smiling at himself in a mirror. It's pretty easy to keep him entertained and distracted. The same goes for us, too -- Parker can do the simplest thing (like just lay there quietly) but we stare at him and just watch him do stuff. He's pretty entertaining.
5. Poop stinks. Okay, so we kind of already knew that. But you don't REALLY know until you're faced with the daunting task of disposing a loaded diaper. The Diaper Genie is quite possibly the best invention ever (followed closely by GPS, and then basketball).
Hereare some photos (but not of poop). This is Parker's new game with Mommy. It's called "Row Row Row Your Boat". They both sit on the floor facing each other, and as Mommy sings the words, they kind of sway back and forth a bit. He seems to like it!

They are pretty incredible aren't they!?
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