Nah, I'm just kidding. That's just some random kid I found by doing a Google image search for "3 year old boy" (which I don't recommend you do, actually). But Parker IS getting bigger and doing more stuff! He says dada all the time in reference to me (at least I'm pretty sure it is) and he can finally crawl around on his own! We're also upgrading his car seat from the regular one that's like a carrier to a super deluxe throne that's nicer than any chair we have in our house. He really gets a kick out of peeking around things (chairs, walls, toys, whatever) to see you, which is always a fun game to play. April is taking Parker to Toronto tomorrow to go visit Aunt Claire and Uncle Shawn (and soon-to-be little cousin Sinclaire) so I'll post some new photos when they get back!
Oh! I also forgot that he turns the pages in his books by himself now, which is super cute. I don't know if he knows exactly why he's turning them, or if he recognizes the different content on the pages, but he knows that's what he's supposed to do. Cutest baby ever.
Put up pictures!!!!!
Hahahah......Great teaser post !!
Happy Birthday :)
Thanks Naomi and Anonymous! And there will be photos soon!
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