And here are some individual photos as well (pretty much in reverse chronological order -- sorry!):
Aunt Tracy is craaaaazy! And Parker likes crazy.

Parker sporting his new Nana sweater/jacket! It kind of looks like chain mail! Thanks Nana!

Parker testing out his new tow truck walker thing! It has so many buttons and makes the craziest sounds..... I think I spent more time playing with it than Parker.

Parker's cousin Connor is good at sharing! Yay for sharing!

Parker checking out the mini-birthday cake.

Parker clapping after eating a bit of cake, although I don't think he really liked it. Strangely enough, he prefers peas, brocoli, and watermelon.

This cake is made of PEOPLE!

The big, main cake, complete with Happy 1st Birthday Parker in Times New Roman font. Okay, it's not Times New Roman. But it still looks nice. And it tasted nice, too!

Super awesome card from April's cousin Ali! Thanks Ali! Parker was thoroughly impressed.

Parker coming in from the deck with Mommy with a funny look on his face and sporting his birthday outfit! Hooray for argyle vests!

Parker and Mommy opening a present.

Parker testing out the new chair he received from Nana and Papa! It matches our furniture, which is kind of scary. Now he can recline and watch the NBA playoffs with me!

Thanks to everyone for coming and all of the awesome gifts and for making Parker smile so much! There will be many fashion shows (masculine ones, of course) in the near future with all of the new clothes!
Parker looks very dapper in argyle
Happy Birthday Parker!! We love you!
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