My last post about Not The Mama has totally come true! This morning while I was feeding Parker breakfast he would look at me and smile and say, "Mama!" and I'd go, "Nooooo, Dada!" He'd look away for a second, eat some food, then look back up and go, "Mama?" Here are some photos of him in his Dino Rampage outfit, goofing around before a nap. And Superman, who used to be so big compared to Parker, is now reduced to being eaten because he's so small and chewable.
Here's a blog to keep track of all our baby photos and stories as Parker grows up.
About Our Family
Hi. I'm a photographer and my wife is a teacher and our baby is still trying to figure out what he wants to be when he grows up. We started this blog so we could post different photos and stories about Parker that our friends and families could quickly access and comment on (if they want). He's growing up so fast that it's cool to document all of his different phases and make various Star Wars references to them. Hope you enjoy!
say daaaaaaaa....... say deeeeee
Your time will come, Garrett! And if Parker is anything like his mom, he'll be elocquent by the time he's two! He's getting BIG!
I couldn't speak until I was 27, so maybe it'll be a while. :D
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