Sunday, November 9, 2008


Here are some photos from Parker's second Hallowe'en ever!  And this one as considerably longer than his first one -- I think he wore his original costume for about thirty seconds.  Although his new costume started out kind of the same way............


Luckily it was a nice night to wear a pumpkin costume!

After wearing it for a few minutes, he realized it wasn't actually toture and he didn't really mind.

Parker's REAL motivation for trick or treating?  Ringing peoples' doorbells.  

Here he is after visiting our neighbour Michelle!  

And here he is running away from our neighbour Michelle, all giddy-like!

Cute little pumpkin boy!

We did fairly well on the candy front, and one of our neighbours was giving away little jars of Play-Dough, which was pretty cool.  And I'm pretty sure we had more visitors at our house this year.  Only one little girl commented on our Brobee Pumpkin, though!  I thought it was pretty awesome:

Thanks to Emma's Mom on the WB boards for sending the link for the Brobee pattern!

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